Hoshidan summer Micaiah fanart from the Fire Emblem series. from feh

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Curiosidades sobre alguns membros da Akatsuki! 🍥

Sabia de algum deles?? Comenta aqui em baixo!! ✨

A Konan seria um desastre se a ideia original tivesse saído do papel 😰

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"I must say, these Hoshidan robes are certainly quite comfortable to wear! And there are so many lovely patterns to choose from as well. It was awfully kind of them to select something so lovely for me to wear while visiting for the New Year!"

//Love her SM 🥺

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"Bro, bro... Jashin. You ain't heard?"

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✨The time is right your perfume fills my head...
The stars get red and on the nights so blue...
And then I go and spoil it all by saying
Something stupid like I love you
I love you ✨

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More Hidan and Ryuki brainrot … help me 👁👁 may contain spoilers

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this is hands down the most hideous hidan outfit ever. average pachinko parlour regular. better call saul cosplayer. cant stand this. he spends too much time around old men (well one old man but he’s the oldest man)

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Okay, I looked at the chibi version and decided I had to do better. And besides, it's not good that everyone makes a bitch boy out of him, and I'm joking here.

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I told that the universe itself was screaming in my ear.

Hidan: - This bag is my husband boiht ♪
Kakuzu: - Did you spend almost all of our wedding gift money on THIS??

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"Do you got a moment to talk about our lord and saver Jashin"~#Naruto https://t.co/361yihDTcy

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可惜還沒送來(。 ́︿ ̀。)

可愛すぎて、すぐに買ったが、まだ届けていない(。 ́︿ ̀。)

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