Taco shack, Taco Shack,
you´ll eat cheese, until you yack
Frijoles there, are always black,
give a big Piñata wack,
Taco, taco, taaaco shaaaaaaack!!

1 1

bueno tu eres el genio, primero gritamos cayendo luego tallar y disecar

8 31

The fact that this could be an actual youtube thumbnail in the timeline we live in gives chills down my spine.

34 127

Is the Hugh Neutron of or is the Waluigi of ? I promise this is my last one lol

592 4071

“That’s right Jimbo! I control the multiverse.” - Hugh Neutron

9 23

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?💕💫🥰

2 6

The very-first design for looks like a brunet version of Dexter's father.

0 2

when you draw something based off of recent gaming news

Jenny wakeman faces off with Zero-Two Neutron

24 61

He's ready to beat them all in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl this summer!

7 28

My sinful hand shall not be stopped.
Well, at least until this gets cleaned

1 3

colored-pencil fanart I have drawn today, because Nick All-Star Brawl.

0 2