I spoke to Mason Lindroth about his upcoming game Hylics http://t.co/eSzp8It7XC

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>Hylics (Mason Lindroth)
>$3 - Windows: http://t.co/NgFvfc6Bdd

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I found someone to share my latest obsession with and I couldn't be happier

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through long ages I
have waited in this vault.
fight me.

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知人に教わったHylicsなるRPGクリアした。シェイクスピア風古語っぽい散文をサイケデリックな絵とBGMに乗せた、最後まで謎な恐ろしいゲーム。僅か2-3時間で頭がおかしくなれます。 https://t.co/EFHIUMc6cl

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It's such a pain in the ass..._(:3 」∠ )_

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I got into Hylics recently, it was a neat lil game! And by neat I mean bizarre and surreal and took me 6+ hours.

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