画質 高画質

This was to true, yeah, it was drawn 2012 by Joel Watson

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Nerdy from thinkd called "Nerd not drunk" - get it now for FREE - http://t.co/rW8pjBrlyH

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iPad Pro out this week. Will it matter in the end, who knows, but it has our attention now.

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Now with free UK delivery…
Wow! Now I can afford one. ha! Ha! ha! HA!Ha! Hee!ha! HA!HA!!

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My first sketch on an Using . Fun, yet I still need a pencil !

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Thanks for giving artists the tools we've longed for. and Painted w/

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First sketches on with - fun with finger, but want

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Coloring test: Inked and colored on with using and apps.

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Finished art in a fantastic app. Looking forward to using it more

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rakugaki iPadproとアップルペンシルでお絵描きしてみるも、そもそもお絵描きアプリの使い方がよく分かっていない元ニートのハンターとオトモアイルー

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Cobol for Julia Kay's Portrait Party on Flickr, painted with on my with an

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