Original illustration - Lady Tree, fantasy illustration, nature, signed illustr… https://t.co/lGkX70srgx

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Magpie Artwork, Original watercolor, Magpie painting, illustr… https://t.co/dNKMxtmnMv

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Here's the third and last of the the Fitsat! It hides in Union Terrace Gardens in the day, and flies over all of Aberdeen at night. Sometimes it sneaks into the theatre to pinch popcorn and enjoy a play https://t.co/VNmYYA4Wtp

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The many legged lemur (only 7 legs because I forgot to draw the 8th!)

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Trying out some new illustration techniques inspired by Alberto Montt....!!! .

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They're sailing straight into dream land. (I know I am.) by .

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Trying out iPad Pro and procreate 😅😅. Still a long way to go 😅👏🙈

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Sneak preview of work in progress...and the sun is finally out, yay!

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