Um pouco mais do Lokiaverso. Projeto de podcast de Super-heróis do super
Projeto sensacional!

Little bit more about the Lokiaverso. Superhero indie podcast by the Youtuber
Amazing project!

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Two of my favorite inhabitants of the Genuiverse, Earthling and Lovechild, together in this awesome little masterpiece by Pow Rodrix and King Bola.

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I love all characters in the Genuineverse, but Lovechild is a bit extra special to me. She's the heart of the superhero community, connecting with all heroes and even some villains...

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Breaking from the artwork of Thunder Woman to spotlight some of the other characters of the world she lives in.

First, The Allegiance, one of the big league superhero teams.

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After a brief delay, here's another look at an animated style Thunder Woman in the style of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, plus her archenemy Hera! Art is by

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More Thunder Woman Halloween shenanigans, this time featuring her in her human form going trick r'treating with her friends David, Tia, and Katrina, and running afoul of being behind the times!

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