Le thème de l'#inktober2020day13 glisse directement dans la case fanart de Dune, une de mes sagas littéraire préférée 🥰

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day 13 ‘Bronze Addle’ - Believe it or not, my inspiration for drawing these was the fennec fox (even though they kinda ended up looking a little like miniature scaly cows 😅) They live in burrows in the desert, and emerge at dusk

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Inktober Day 13: Dune
This ones drawn a little bit messier but I still like how it came out! It's one of the sand rider things from The Last Airbender.

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「 獅 子 」

・「十二画月」修斗画廊一人展(平成28年 10月8日~16日、風の音ギャラリー)出展作品



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