My Day 13: Dune. My sock monkey had a strange dream. He was walking on a dune all day, but it was actually inside of an hourglass.

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Día 13-Duna
Protagonizado por el listo teniente de los Peregrine Falcons a lomos del Camel Slug: Marco Rossi © SNK

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"Clay Dunestrider" - - Dune - I couldn't quite get started on a sand worm, so I opted to draw this guy, an imposing tar-stained desert boss from Risk of Rain.

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inktober Day 13: Dune
I felt lazy so here's a desert raveller uwu

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On A Sunbeam
🌈 Fanartober Day 13
A good gay beautiful wholesome time.

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dia 13 derretirse
lo unico que se me viene a la mente es el calor de mrd que hace en verano que lo odio con toda mi alma, porfa no quiero que sea ya verano aiudenmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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All that remains of the city is a sunken crater in the sand. (I killed my hand tryin to do this ; ;)

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InkTober - Dia 13 - Duna

Pra quem não entendeu, ela vai tricotar
O resto deixo com vocês

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