

vb:Bellaved喻 抖音:Bellaved喻

INTP 天蝎座



会喜欢卡配罗【克里斯蒂亚诺•罗纳尔多 以及卡卡】

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you put ZEKE FOR INTP BUT NOT L LAWLIET🤕 https://t.co/nWFwwEtybo

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mbti oc相关还有企划的图发一下(挠头)是intp们😋

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encontre algo por ahi de poner 4 persoajes que compartan tu mbti y me trajo recuerdos akjdasd

si gente, los intp tenemos cara de culooo

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QRT the character vs how you draw them!

My boi is a weak and sweet INTP...🦎 https://t.co/VdZ1oQnJVt

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pois só de pirraça.
tome dois fav meus q são intp, tome

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Ok so here's my new persona

Nepo, 18, INTP, neet, do drawing a lot:3

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Energia do nosso dia a dia

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my new oc
name: nadia

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surprisingly Patrick Star is a character that is typed as INTP by the internet and i am in love with this bc he totally breaks the "Smart Goofy Nerd" stereotype but i can totally see it

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At this point i can tell just by looking at a character that internet mbti communities will type them as INTP, if they wear glasses and strange or "nerdy" clothes like dress shirts or polos or bowties it's like a 9/10 chance istg

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