hi!! im new to posting art on twitter and have no idea how this works so here we go

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Como no tenía la imagen original lo tube que hacer con lo que tenía, que les parece?
😁🤔 la que lo dibujo uwu y haré el otro dibujo suyo donde está Zim Jsjs

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Posts de Invasor Zim edits , espero que os guste Jsjs
(っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌(`・ω・´) tengo más de esto y Brawl Stars

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if u see me slowly turning into human!gir, just let it happen, i’m fulfilling my life purpose

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June toon 2020 invader Zim Gir https://t.co/av2xDA4ZZ7 via So for today’s try drawing challenge with art app the theme is green so going with Gir in his green dog outfit

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The Invader Zim post got 200 likes on my Instagram!! https://t.co/KHC2cE0Cjo
Thank you so much, everyone!! OwO

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So... Fertig für heute... Ich leg mich wieder hin... 😒

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I got distracted and just finished this and it’s late but HAPPY HOLIDAYS BOIS! And if you don’t celebrate anything, just have a nice week! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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Some doodles of Gir and Mini Moose being best buds.

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The outfit I'm planning to wear the minute I get that Gir shirt from hot topic... but on with my makeup style, also him in another outfit I own

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Until my account is caught up, itll mostly be posts of stuff I've uploaded on instagram already. Until then, here's Gir being..... Gir

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