Jill Valentine (Resident Evil Series)

Upcoming Harem WIP

Let's GO~!!

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Me han dado ganas de jugar al RE3, pero en su lugar he dibujado esto ^^

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Hoy está siendo un día algo raro, pero intentaré acabar el dibujo que comencé ayer de así va ^^

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Hey gente! Así llevo a va tomando forma poco a poco ^^

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Tonight's nightly; from in her classic outfit.

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Taking a break from to post my Resident Evil 3 Nemesis art ft Tumblr link https://t.co/nzWqMPbFBH

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Jill, the Master of Unlocking. Will have prints for n.

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My morning warm-up was Jill Valentine. I played around with a specific pencil took with shading elements.
Please support me to continue working here:

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Getting into developing a rough media style. Kinda dig where it's heading. Here's another Jill.
Also, I may be wrong, but I think this may be my very first completely digital start to finish drawing.

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Finished the first Resident Evil for the first time yesterday (HD Remake), and only needed to look up walkthrough like 3-4 times in total, which I'm satisfied with, cause it's not an easy game damn it! But holy crap, it sure is an awesome one!

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22 Guess who?? because she’s so awesome and I was too lazy to draw any of the newer characters on my list. OG character designs were simple =) But this drawing still ended up testing me. BUt we got THROUGH I.T!

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