What if I was a cold unfeeling killer and you were a flirty cop who was about to have the downward spiral of a lifetime and we were both men??

8 40

Artist spotlight: Yoji Shinkawa
Meet the "instant gold star" artist behind METAL GEAR SOLID and DEATH STRANDING https://t.co/kyZYmuArNy

7 48

🍬#BattleArenaToshinden Charamellis🍬

I put Kayin alt because his 2nd player outfit wasn't his main outfit in BAT1.

2 3

They call mercenaries like us "Dogs of War"...
but you're different...untamed...solitary...you're no dog...you're a wolf.

1 5

// !!

been thinking of them constantly for the past few days lol ,

12 62

"Call me, Deepthroat"..."Hurt me more!"...What was Kojima thinking? 😂 Regardless, Gray Fox is still the de facto cyborg ninja...sorry, Raiden

1 5

Sprite redraw, no I will not be bothered to finish yttd

1 11

Here's the final page of my comic I did in 2020 of Waluigi becoming Warui-Jishin, the Gluttony Dragon.
He's also known as "The Golden Gut."
This derg can eat quite a lot whether it's food or prey. 💛🐉😋

6 42

My favourite time of the year 🤩

Happy holidays art by

4 38

11日09時43分26秒頃、奄美大島北西沖でM4.1の地震発生、最大震度1。震源は地下10km。この地震による津波の心配はありません。 https://t.co/yeNAkgdTFw

7 19

09日11時05分15秒頃、トカラ列島近海でM6.0の地震発生、最大震度5強。震源は地下20km。この地震による津波の心配はありません。 https://t.co/NZGWv3U1zF

287 199

11日00時45分40秒頃、沖縄本島南方沖でM6.6の地震発生、最大震度3。震源は地下10km。この地震により、日本の沿岸では若干の海面変動があるかもしれませんが、被害の心配はありません。 https://t.co/oLcKVQzsui

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