1. He has a name now.
2. I changed his hairstyle
3. I still won't explain his power cuz its ✨edgy✨ and probably wrong. But you can try to guess by his name and these drawings.

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Akimitsu is very insecure abt his height, so as a third year seeing Yoshi, a 1st year, be taller than him pissed him off lmao

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Her name is Mogami Kazue, 1st year student. I’ve imagined her skill, it has something to do with blood to seal and immobilize her opponents but since english is not my native language, it’s hard to describe her ability

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Oh dear lord please give me energy and determination to finnish this 😔🙏

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I was trying to make a manga art style-
👁👄👁 why do u looks like a man instead of a gurl-

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So there is this challenge on pixiv that basically consist to make something look "official" and i got to join with this work about minori (my oc) and toj, hope you like it uwu ❤️

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Before I forget to post this, here's my OC. I caved and tried to emulate the format of the official character pics, with Maki as the ref for Reika's headshot there 😅

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Yunna Marui 👀❤
TECHNIQUE: Pressure rings ⭕
SHIP : Toge Inumaki
Age: 17
Height : 170 cm
Occupation : Jujutsu sorcerer / student
Affiliation : Tokyo metropolitan jujutsu high school
Grade : 2

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