
17 41


Background practice once again, KMB themed, of course! I had lots of fun with the details. :DD

25 66

i like the concept of yasuna being taller than sonya

3 20


芳文社70周年記念キャンペーンのときキルミーベイベー 全巻買っちった😋


6 46

First of all, THANK YOU FOR 100+ Followers!

Here's one last drawing before I take a break to fully work on my webseries, Evergreen!

I'll still be active here, after all I follow a KMB bot, but won't be posting too much lol

But again, THANK YOU!

21 68

昨日は「恋人の日 」だったのでキルミーベイベーのふたりを描きました。

155 446


225 546