I’m an emotional wreck right now! 😭😭😭 You can sense the fear and worry in his eyes! 🥺😭

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SO HYPED for tomorrow's last episode of Fena Pirate Princess. 😭 GIMME SEASON 2 PLS

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Happy October 22nd fans! I made a
🏴‍☠️ Pirate 🏴‍☠️ fanart! Be sure to tune in to the last episode tomorrow 9pm PST and 12am EST on Toonami

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J'ai crue qu'Abel tournerais mal, mais heureusement que non, cette scène m'a fait mal au cœur 😭c'était beau 🥺 (même s'il aurait pas du faire du mal à Yukimaru ! è-é)

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Me conmovió bastante el reencuentro de Helena y Abel 😭😭😭 Fue bellísimo!! Finalmente, podrán estar juntos!! 💖💖💖

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The twins are having so much fun swimming in the gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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When words are few, the eyes speak volumes! 😍✨

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The latest episode was ✨ absolutely dreamy ✨and Yukimaru’s enthralling eyes can attest to that!

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Happy October 9th fans! I made a
🤖 Robot 🤖 fanart! (I’ll be posting a new Halloween character fanart every other Friday and Saturday except the 22nd/29th/30th)

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Happy October 8th fans! I made a
🥀 Poisen Ivy🥀 fanart! (I’ll be posting a new Halloween character fanart every Friday and Saturday except the 22nd/29th/30th)

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Our song

I love it when Yukimaru starts singing with Fena 😭✨ I hope Yukimaru and Fena would do a duet and I will be so, SO HAPPY!!! 😭😭✨😍

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