Day 8 /
• Introducing new doorClass, the "Moon Gate", part of the overhaul to make exploration more exciting (and puzzly). Still have to write the logic and create another asset for it to work as intended ...

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Next Patch is almost ready, will drop by end of the week. Addressed lots of usability issues that got reported. 🙂
At Fireplaces and Shrines Players may now browse Tutorials Hints, they've unlocked so far.

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Commissioned to design a LoFi-Version of the Banner for the PreMenu, matching the Pixelsize in the game for a more consistent impression. 🤗

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Thanks for hosting! <3
is rework from obscure german Cult-#roguelike (early 90s).
Finished working on the Pre-Menu. There's going to be an Ingame Menu eventually, but since Editor only works in Windowed Mode, I made this thing (Art by ):

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Gadget-Library works fine, but can be a bit finicky; eventually had it subjugated under my Divine Command, though. Here's the final (I think) design of the Pre-Menu:

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Finished designing Pre-Menu, Buttons do what they're supposed to do (Banner by ).
There will be a "real" Menu, this is just to select where you want to go, since Editor only works in Windowed Mode.

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Very early Version of when Floor Types had unique properties (e.g. Water).
But it didn't work.
That was the first major cut I made ... sure hurt scrapping all that hard work, but in hindsight streamlining was the best decision.

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Thanks for the opportunity. 🥰
rework of german cult is shaping up nicely. Most recent addition: Boss Monsters with oversized Healthbars and randomly created names.
Also finished the track for the Main Menu.

3 12

Thanks for the opportunity. 🥰
rework of german cult is shaping up nicely. Most recent addition: Boss Monsters with oversized Healthbars and randomly created names.
Also finished the track for the Main Menu.

3 8

rework of german Cult Classic Roguelike is shaping up well. Most recent addition: Boss Monsters with oversized Healthbars and randomly created names.

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Still WIP, but my cute little casual (coded in is getting more content and becoming more polished every day.
Most Recent addition: Boss-Monsters with randomly generated names:

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Reworked the Dark Young.
Well, it's still the somewhat cuddliest of my Monsters, but looks a bit more fiendish now.

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Programming a Rework of a classic german Roguelike ("Die Gemäuer von Kalaworm"), which has been popular back in the days of Atari ST. Gave it a Lovecraft-spin, and added a Sanity-mechanic. Now I finally settled on color scheme ...

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