I think a better comparison for this topic would be like Klinklang vs Magearna. Again since other than the rabbit look~Karakuri puppet is also human-like~ when people find animal characteristics they tend to not consider such designs as "fully object based".

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i started working on an UTAU, finished one of her pitches over the weekend. Made a cover of Karakuri pierrot to test her out, in the middle of tweaking her oto a bit, and I thought I should share the art I made for the cover video. :)

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. 『精巧なからくり人形』
(Elaborate Karakuri Dolls)

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Fuyukara, Kururu. Romance Visual Novel Coming to PS4 and Switch on May 25 in Japan!

The story takes place in a boarding school where immortal girls live peacefully but dangers come with a usual murder that kills the immortal...

▼ More

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Karakuri pierrot moment

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【Tokyo 7th シスターズ】GSレアカード KARAKURI Winning Day GETしたよ!皆も遊んでね♪→https://t.co/iv2VqtTevc 【プレイヤーID】KFRiKGM

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【Tokyo 7th シスターズ】Pレアカード KARAKURI 遠くまで GETしたよ!皆も遊んでね♪→https://t.co/IcBjnkfobL

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a daily reminder that Rukia is such a gorgeous and charming girl that she quickly became very popular in Karakura High and male students even wanted to kill Ichigo for being intimate with her 😌

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they watched cartoons all night…

(yachiru, unohana and fem.zaraki have really good weekends in karakura AU)

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