Bitch had Keef rethinkin' his whole life 😂😂

5508 4313

shirt, pid, keef, lank, honk, aloe

304 424

keef is new to this bonding thing

1846 2346

Sleepy sheero and keef

151 240

there's an extra keef by his feet. ☆🌙 ☆🌙

1 5

ALSO i forgot to post this but look! drew me boy keef as a teddy boy nd its ver cute

0 1

Keef and Lance from by ♥♥♥
Used palletes are cherry soda + sodas & skateboards

26 102

Happy Yesterbirthday to Keef Richards 🎉 Here's a ye olde drawing of him and his old school…

0 1

new keef who this (commission for !) it was really fun bc i dont get to color keith a lot

29 67