Commission of the charming, sinister, kickboxing, doggo eared girl, the Evil God herself
This was fun to make, and I got a color boosted alt that might make for a nice poster, but I’ll post that tomorrow.

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How about hiroshi? Kickboxing crow

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Ven esto!? Es puro Kickboxing de la OC de

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Aight so, we got:
>Reckless dumbass
>Shy bean
>Depressed researcher
>Kickboxing gang leader

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Since comics won the poll vote by a large margin, I'm constantly coming up with story ideas. I probably won't do this one (not yet), but I know I'm going to do a kickboxing story

BTW I'm almost finished scripting out Robin vs Biff. I'll get started on that soon.

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Alright, what do you think about kickboxing crow?

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In the name of the desing i give up of the "FWMA fight kit" and i let my oc's fight with they own trunks again.
Shion like to wear a white kickboxing trunks, for the blood of his fights fell down and paint it

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She likes kickboxing, running and lifting💪🏼

She’s a healthy girl but likes to estoy some apple cupcakes🧁sometimes

Her perfect date would be skating😍

✨Isn’t she lovely?✨

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New pinned tweet 👀

Hey there!!! I’m Arida, a kickboxing shark who would love to show you a thing or two about how small you really are💜✨ Here’s some art of myself, stick around and I just might have to step on/eat ya!

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Meet Keiko, she’s a roundhouse kickboxing, sword wielding kind of gal.

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3/3 puh, well that was a rush coloring this!! Get Ready to get elbowed in the face!!

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May I offer... no.1 our upcoming supernatural book festuring a kickboxing vampire
No. 2 characters from a book being planned about dragons, adventure and queerness, featuring Calia and her adopted kid Amara, and Calia's wife (and lead) on no. 3
Plus werewolf girlfriends on no4?

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King is by far my favorite Lady from the Women Fighters Team. You can't tell me her kickboxing isn't phenomenal. knows well.

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