# sinnoh

Meet the four starters for Kryptids - Fully Sprited:

Countash, Lufin, Franos and Lethare (in order)

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As a rule of thumb, I appreciate any and all fan art of my kryptids - For a game that's still in the early ages, it warms my heart to see fanart of my critters - And if you guys wanna draw them, go for it - Just be sure to credit the design to me. Thanks!

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Figured I'd share a bit more of my Kryptids and one of the latest ones - And I gotta say... I really like Svalbireo both in name and design.


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Oh, and I finished my owl bear designs for my Kryptids game. I think they came out really well.

From a cutie, to a chubby, to a MASSIVE BEEFCAKE.

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Saw made some new Kryptids of his, and his Numilodon really caught my interest, I love the design, had to draw it myself!

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Welp, I've made well over 151 kryptids at this point. May need to fix up a couple designs, and there's a few surprises here and there...


Meet Papieric

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So, I've started work on some... Legendary kryptids.

Will NOT be in the demo.

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While I'm on a mini-vacation, I figured that I'd give a little preview for one of my... Admittedly favorite - New Kryptids -Volkit.

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Ya know, if any artists are out there, I'd love to see some alternate takes on these four Kryptids of mine. In order: Bantachi, Harthena, Mentadigo, and Patchwaul.

If you do, reply with them to this tweet. Best one?

I'll make a kryptid for the game based on a design you make.

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As a designer for my monster collector game, and having seen how pokemon and digimon have been treated through the years - I've learned to pre-accept the fact that people will sexualize my Kryptids.

It's inevitable. It will happen.

So, might as well embrace it. This is Bantachi

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Meet the WIP rough of one of the antagonists of the Kryptids' game.

You'll be facing these fly guys.

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The Ultimate goal I want for Kryptids is to have a kickstarter/patreon set up, either late this year or early next year.

One of my friends suggested I offer plushes as a reward for supporting the game, which I'm for... So, tell me: Think these ones would make good plushies?

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C'mon, I had to make a Lochness Monster for my Kryptids game.

So, meet Mystloch (design subject to change)

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I've been making more and more Kryptids... This time being a Saber Tooth tiger, based on the Ennedi Tiger

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Ya know what?

F it.

I'm showing a full line for Kryptids... Mainly because I can't come up with a name for them.

Give me suggestions for names for these three.

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This is the front and back sprite for Cozumkit, the star fox kryptid from my game in the works - Kryptids.

Ain't she a cutie?

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Well, since Sinnoh isn't going be happening any time soon, might as well show off some of the monsters that I'm working on my game, along with some shadows of their next stage forms that are shadowed.

They're called Kryptids, btw.

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For something a bit more positive...

Have a close up of one of my new Kryptids.

Not showing the whole thing since I didn't reveal this one.

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Spritework for Canipup for my Kryptids game.

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Volcano Kryptids... And yes, I cut the final form on purpose.

so... Tadah.

We've got Salele, Salamele and... yeah, not giving that one away.

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