Today is the birthday of Kuronoatmosphere's vocalist and guitarist, 919~! 🐩🎉 I wonder if 13 is planning an event to celebrate... hopefully, they won't mind if we swing by the Black Ship to drop off a gift for him! How about we get him a new tie? Or maybe a new cookbook?

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Im in charge of Kuronoatmosphere!

🚀151 Ecoy!!🥕

He is my favorite in Kuronoatmoshere~

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「バースデー オデンを食いに ほな行くで〜。フッ……パーフェクトや」6/5は  の くんのお誕生日ですぞ〜☆み〜んなでお祝いしちゃお(●´ω`●)ハピハピオデーン!!

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「おおきに〜♪プレゼントはオデン1年分で許したるわ〜!」6/5は  の くんのお誕生日ですぞ〜☆み〜んなでお祝いしちゃお(●´ω`●)ハピハピヤネ-ン!!

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