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Fluttershy: Lachlan? How come? Did something happen between you two?

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Lachlan: I knew the “medicine” Mom gives me looked familiar!

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Lachlan: Kool aid? That really cures what ails you?

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Dream Cozy: *laughing crazily, levitating Lachlan with her magic*

Dream Lachlan: Waaahh!! Somepony help me!!

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Lachlan: You got it back Snail! You got it-! *GULP! Now Snail accidentally swallowed the ducky* A-Are you kidding me?!

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????: I don’t need to think. I KNOW you’ll go down- *POW!!*

*Lachlan surprises Shadow by joining the fight and actually landing a kick to him*

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Lachlan: Oh… I have good news and bad news about it. Good news is Puppycorn has it.

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Lachlan: Misty is lucky that wasn’t me, her nose would be in a way worse condition!

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Misty: *she climbed into her bed, moaning sadly at what Cozy just said and fell asleep*

*speaking of falling asleep, Yona was trying to sleep, but the thought of Lachlan in danger kept crossing her mind*

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古い神との対話 04

↓です よかったら聞いてみてください

Sarah McLachlan - Out of the Shadows

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Twilight: Luckily, I have just the thing to cure your hunger; dog food!

Lachlan: *acting scared* Oh no, not again!

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margot robbie by lachlan bailey for ‘british vogue’

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Fluttershy: But, why would you do that to us?

Lachlan: I was scared that your fighting would make you guys not be friends anymore and that you wouldn’t want me to be your friend either. 😔

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Lachlan: She’s poking me!!

Unikitty: It’s free air. *Lachlan “bites” her* Oww!! Why you-!!

*they explode into a cloud of fists and feet* https://t.co/ptlty31zlS

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Lachlan: Knock it off! *he gets his friends’ attention*

Unikitty: I’m not doing anything!

Lachlan: She’s poking me!

Unikitty: I’m not poking you!

Lachlan: Grr! You’re poking me!

Unikitty: Not poking~!

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Lachlan: *picks it up* Nope, it’s good.

Unikitty: *whew* That’s a relief, but your friends are still fighting.

Lachlan: Maybe we need to up our performance, what say you?

Unikitty: Let’s do it.

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