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My Potot
My little Pototo
And screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Screee screeeeeeeeeeee

17 66

Day 6: Blessing
…Or a curse. Eternally facing off within oneself as the call of the eikon grows stronger. Gripping its tendrils around its chosen and transforming them into its own vessel.

5 19

They say the Fishers are the most welcoming and wholesome part of the FFXIV community.

But sometimes even the best fishers cave in to...moderate jealousy.

Here is but one example of such toxicity.

26 113

Art raffle for !!
Thank you so much for supporting Potot 💕💕

13 37

Thanks to everybody who submitted their lalafell!

I did a few today and due to the overwhelming amount of submissions, I’ve decided to do another batch and possibly more even after that!

( I had such troubles choosing, it’s inevitable I draw more of my lala brethren) heheh

29 148

WoL comic featuring Krile and the Lalafell Lifter, G'estalt got far too ahead of himself

3 15

I can't find the request itself, nor can I find the asker's account (oh no, Lady Lilira is missing again!), but by then I had already managed to draw this portrait.

3 15

new profile header (*´▽`*)
my lalafell with my hobbies
/it was drawn by my friend @/DrittensK ;3

0 7

Lunch — Bo Luo Bao, (Pinaapple Bun)

11 66

Even the Warrior of Light can catch feelings now and then

0 2

What if I open YCH commission for lalafell with this pose for 14 USD?
Normal price is 18! >w<

3 slots only 😘

8 28

Day 3: Affection
There are many ways to display love and affections-- one being to protect their loved ones and to defend them from any that would threaten hurt.

10 46

「 Rise up through the night higher, oh higher! 🎵 」

drawn for

111 1528

my part from an art trade with @/warawaserareru (o^▽^o)

60 307