You had just one thing to do... TIE lasers are green!

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The Bond of my childhood - Chasing villains up the Eiffel Tower,flippin' cars,shooting space lasers and facing Jaws! RIP

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. Lotte Laserstein - Naked model

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Immerse yourself into LASERS & FEELINGS, a one-shot EXTRAVAGANZA! Launching JUNE 28TH.

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He had two bottles of vitamins shaking the bottles like maracas saying "pew pew" over and over. Like, okay, nipple vitamin lasers?

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The harvester is hungry. Feed it plasma. Or lasers. Or both?! Your choice!

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Congo had enough gorillas & lasers to qualify as half decent. A lil Rickman doesn't hurt either

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. okay, so when's the part where the power glove lets you shoot out lasers

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Humanizing the noise of overhead planes by listening to their broadcasts and plotting them in realtime on the ceiling with lasers

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Tad Pietrzykowski creator of Dark Nebula & The Southern Cross provides 'A Newbies's Guide to Lasers Room. Starts soon

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In the Lasers Room - Tad Pietrzykowski Comics to Movies

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Here's a drawing I did of in a shootout with a laser shark.

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Character designs, an attempt at a comic, and me shooting lasers out my eyes... really scraping the bottom of the barrel now.

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RT + Follow = je mettrais des lasers sur les yeux de vos pp

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