画質 高画質

Quick painting I'm working on while I wait for paint to dry.Learning acrylic. Going to add some graffiti to it too!

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Perhaps I should try learning another military discipline... Bare handed combat?

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Sketching while learning about the history of animation, via : http://t.co/t0Ah8FSGcM

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First attempt with the new tablet is very generic looking but served its purpose. Learning bells and whistles!

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‘Buddy’ the animated talking robot will guide young kids through learning to use aacorns v.different AAC interface )

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Just another study in the digital world, felt like learning the programs more
cs6 and it took about an hour to finish

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just learning a coloring from random lineart on google (http://t.co/9B7ZyANgjM)

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Inspi is back ~Learning new ways of colouring (#`ε´# ゞ

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Crappy joecruely vampire thing cuz I'm still learning this whole paint tool sai.

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Self portrait. The subject upon learning that there is such a thing as the Kitten Bowl.

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a language isn't easy - it's a dirty, messy business at times, so what do pigs say in different

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"Once you stop learning, you start dying." Albert Einstein

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oh wow, I love how the illo takes on a new life when you take the line away :-)

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do you know what makes a great another bite size nugget from workshop learning

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Learning about editing in photoshop/paintoolsai

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Learning some HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the cool D3 at Nat Geo with Scott Murray. We are in the Matrix!

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