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ETH 0.06 floor price

“Turn your magic on, to me she’d say Everything you want’s a dream away We are legends, every day That’s what she told him…”


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Rock Renders
'Mega Man Legends 2'

32 151

The Collab with continues as he teaches Celina the Ropes to being a streamer.

Doesn't look like she's taking advice well..& wtf is that CHEESE?!

Click the link to see the rest!


9 62

Now that I have the Legends model, I can get to work properly

12 117

Drew all 161 League of Legends champs from memory, in a single 36 hour stream. Then, drew yearbook photos and a flair illustration for the Star Guardian event. Was featured in a video I'll post below. Oh, and did my first cooking stream- with and her cat Rui

0 19

Bon bah j'avais faux sur mon design haha, mais du coup je remets un peu mon fanmanga DBS Yamoshi où justement j'avais fait intervenir Shallot et Giblet !
toujours dispo sur mangadraft:


3 8

Hot babes 🔥
ETH 0.06 floor price

“Turn your magic on, to me she’d say Everything you want’s a dream away We are legends, every day That’s what she told him…”


1 1

January was the start, with new Kirby Forgor Land info, some other developments in Roblox games, and mainly, Doge Kate's experience in an age in the past, Hisui in Pokemon Legends Arceus, learning more about her frenzy form and Light Kate being there to learn too...

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Era pra ser um design alternativo para o saltinuvem mas me perdi no meio do caminho dgjsksks

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Ma journée résumée en 3 images.
J’espère que vous avez eu autant de luck.

0 17

Everytime aethel said 'project breakfast' i could only think of the league of legends 'project' skin line, or you know, our very own projekt melody

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