The Iron Leviathan was not destroyed, originally a small crab it is alive and well ! 🦀

26 300

🤍I also warn that with the start of the school year the posts will be longer (this project was not supposed to bé so longer) but don't worry, I'll finish the comic cost only cost !🤍

5 73

👀here are the following pages! Let's take a closer look at this new character....👀

8 103

I finally love being able to do the size change to excess, so my favorite moment being when Nigthtame Nigthmare has Dream unconscious in his hand 🤍

8 91

My Version of LeviathanTale Fell!
I might add some things, change some things
But I'm happy now with this little idiots design :D

48 525

The tension is palpable... The chapter will end soon with its share of questions

9 74

WharWhat's going on ? Unknowingly, Error to contribute to a big plan...

14 100

I don't have much to say for the bio I'm pretty tired, I just hope I've corrected all the omissions of details that I made ಥ‿ಥ

Leviathantale by

14 147

💛I hope you like it in pleasure to have finally been able to draw this corrupted baby 🖤

17 165

Not on Leviathantale just a New Au i create (Again) that a beta version of sketching for help me to remember the story when i finish levianthantale fancomic ;)
Welcome to HyperTale also :3

4 44