I promised to my tween self (in my early Deviantart days) that I would do this when my art was good enough, so I would fill this with not-so-crappy fast drawings... and the day has come!

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I love it when I can just draw a handsome man 😩👌🏼💙

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I had the urge to draw a hot guy and look at that puberty glow up 😩👌🏼 👀

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What happens when you love a part of a fanfic while you have a song by Gregorian stuck in your head and then inspiration hits? THIS
This is inspired in the fic "Juleka vs the Forces of the Universe" https://t.co/3y3HcAns0N

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Сомневаюсь конечно что Инстаграм заблокируют, но даже если это случится я всегда буду периодически пердеть то тут, то в вк, то в телеге❣️

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Ayyy I wanted to play with the preview template too 😤 Preorders are open!

8 36

Why He? Part 1🤗
There will be like 3 or 4 more parts depending😋

1 12

Here my sneak peek for the
I’m so glad to be in this zine !

Hope u like❤️
Kiss kiss

6 35

One of the three pieces I did for the (which has the preorders OPEN!!! till April 1st hehe) Check it out!~ ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ 🎸🎶

4 18

Here's a preview of my piece for 🐍💕🐉 Preorders are open now until April 1st! 🎸🐍

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