Just wanted to draw Kaidan in his canadian crop top again but look where he wound up. Covered in hickies and spread out on the bed like an all-you-can-eat buffet for a hungry commander 👀

14 38

Shepard being so much smaller than he used to be takes some getting used to, but It does have it’s benefits. Namely, now Kaidan can pick him up just about any time he so pleases X’D

Lucky him, Shepard seems to enjoy it just as much as he does ;)

8 31

ME AU where in the war of Angels vs Demons, Shepard sides with humanity, cutting off his wings and becoming little more than human himself to do so.

Angels are uh, very tall in this au 👀

9 35

Inspired by a post on tumblr XD
Kaidan and Shepard just got out of a very dissatisfying meeting of some sort at the embassy. Politics, just the worst.

63 268

mshenko take on the tiddy meme XD
I am begging the nurses at Huerta Memorial Hospital to give this man a shirt if I am expected to carry out serious heart to tiddyimeanheart conversations with him every time I visit.
I am simply too gay for this

19 39


Im still thinking about mshenko all day every day :'-) i want them to hold hands and stare at the Vancouver sunset 😭💖

3 10

He just wants a taste, Shepard, don’t look at him like that XD

Listen, sometimes you just love a man so much you gotta sink your teeth into him. Just a little >w>

7 22

Mass Effect middle school obsession is slowly coming back so drawing my go to romance options for both Shepards 🥲♡

30 72

Sometimes date night is two spectres getting totally sloshed in the port-side observation deck XD
(Inspired by a post by littlebirdofprey on tumblr)

12 20

More from my guard dog au. Shepard happens to be a big fan of the beard Kaidan grew while he was dead…

6 15

“Some view, huh, Commander?”
“Yeah… some view.”

Sometimes love hits you sharp and sudden as a thunderbolt.
Sometimes it arrives soft and gentle as the first light of dawn.
Sometimes if feels like a bit of both.

15 31

Haha remember how body swapping was the only way to be gay in Mass Effect haha

2 9

Whether Shepard gets a normal reply or a thirst pic if he messages his off duty boyfriend is always a bit of a coin flip…

Well, at least he knows where his hoodie disappeared to now XD

2 17

“Say, you left without waking me.”
“Didn’t have the heart.”
“Thanks, but next time - uh… wake me.”

(Kaidan gets his wish granted and Shepard is nearly late reporting for duty as a result, probably X’D)

3 16

Sometimes fighting like hell is not enough

67 244

Would like to have my heart broken in 4k

79 275