The Master of Magnetism
and the reason why we have a classification for Omega level Mutants in the first place.

124 749

I can’t believe it took 60 years of whatever bs this is just for Magneto to get called Charles Xavier’s “d€ad boyfriend”

73 318

LOVE the art style: hate the decision to upgrade everyone's look except Marvel Girl.

Xavier walks. Magneto is in white. Cyclops gets his best costume, Nightcrawler is in CLASSIC mode and Wolverine gets his best costume.

WTF is she doing in the WORST costume she has EVER had?

0 1

Comparing Cyclops’ and Storm’s Magneto’s eras is fun. The former was treated like a total corruption of his ideals while the latter is a total badass.

11 136

the master of magnetism, Magneto!

55 370

I cannot explain it, but they are the same to me

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"Xavier is a good man, Ororo. We must be wary of good men"

On Magneto's deathbed writer Al Ewing set Storm on a collision course with her mentor, Xavier.

If you're not reading X-Men comics right now then you're missing out!

3 22

With the Xavier having problems with Magneto’s death, let’s look back at Magneto’s plea to Storm as he died as well as his final words

23 115

👑 Magneto 🧲

Top contender for best marvel villain, no cap.

556 3396

C. Magnetoserris
found on the planet Poton in the Kitinog-Sog system, located in the Chifuk Cloud region of the Euclid galaxy.

Highly intelligent, they know of the world beyond their waters. They are haunted by this, a land of wonders they will never visit.

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My favorite are the fusions of Magnemite and Magneton with one another.

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8. X-men as Magneto


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I'd like to point out that Magento is Holocaust survivor and do you know what other minority group got sent to concentration camps by Nazis? Magneto may be a mutant supremacist at times but has contempt for all human bigotry down to his bones. He tries to kill Red Skull on sight.

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