🌸+.: { I Now Pronounce You Plumber and Princess } :.+🌸

one of my original otps~ 🥺🤍🌸

. 👑+ 🌸o 🍑* 💒

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Tonight's color-contrast pairing is Mario/Peach (Mareach) from the Mario series! ❤️/💗

The two have known each other since babyhood, Mario often rescuing her and being rewarded with a kiss. They have a romantic affection for each other, Peach even called Mario's "special one."

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There's one more but I'll post it separately in the comments.

Also, I'm a multishipper as you can probably tell, but these are my main 5 😍💕

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Today’s (canon!) ship of the day is :

Mareach !
( Mario x Peach )

Source : Super Mario Bros

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HAPPY 4TH ANNIVERSARY SWITCH!!! Here's Mario and peach in they're outfits from my favorite game super mario odyssey!

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