Sketches from MCLB barstow rodeo last night. YeeHaw!

3 21

HAPPY B-DAY Yamada Saburo!! I'm not sure if he's still 14, but I guess he is. Good job for this wonderful child's performance on the new song! (Amasaki Kohei) ☆

3 13

Happy birthday to Hypmic's little baby we must protect 🥺Saburo aka. "Average Kagamine Rin's fan" Yamada 💛 ta chikito

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It’s donee ≧∀≦)~
MCLB Ninja Sumi and MCMM King Kada ( ง `ω´ )۶

11 54

角さん a.k.a MCLBと唐突にKINGになった加田さん

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