ahh it's 1 year since megalo box nomad aired??! here's some of my favorite paintings i did based on season 2!

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I feel like kinda came and went with zero fanfare and that's criminal. This has been one of the absolute best sequel Seasons and anime ever written. Raw emotion, great characters and story arcs converging in a masterpiece. Please do yourself a favor and watch it

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Gonna start watching Ranking of Kings today since I finished Megalobox 2 last week 😌

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the influence of this show is pure obvious in my art style LMAO. probably never gonna shut up about it since it holds a special place in my heart lol <3

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MegaloBox is an interesting anime I had never heard of or seen! I’m not usually into boxing or the more serious anime, I often find most to be over the top. This however was really good! Best description is Cowboy Bebop tones and gritty atmosphere meets exoskeleton boxing!

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Sunday Sketch dump!! Satoru Gojo and Gearless Joe!! 🤓

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Some animes I'd recommend trying!
1) Orient, watched it on Crunchyroll
2) Sabikui bisco, watched on Crunchyroll
3) Megalobox, watched on Crunchyroll
4) Tokyo revengers, watched on Crunchyroll

Absolutely love all of the above

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Don’t know if any of you have seen this anime, but I loved it. This is Joe from

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LAWD I said it before but that 80s-90s Anime Aesthetic will always be the GOAT look for DB. Honestly whenever Im lookin thru the amazing art of that era it makes me wish current DragonBall pulled what MegaloBox did, where they kept a 90s Aesthetic but w/ Modern work to amplify it https://t.co/u6DqXZ4mN2

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Megalobox Nomad didn’t win best score. We have failed as a species.

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Ashita no Joe by Asao Takamori (aka Ikki Kajiwara) and Tetsuya Chiba was the inspiration for Megalobox. There’s a scene in the anime where both creators make a cameo appearance together and share a drink

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En compensación existe Megalo box y megalobox no mad. Cuando una joya tan majistral del deporte como hajime no hippo tiene un final epicardo, es mejor dejarlo asta ahí. No valla a ser q se kgen en el xD

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Streaming | 'MEGALOBOX' entra legendado no HBO Max. Apenas a primeira temporada chegou ao serviço: https://t.co/KuhQjltgqS

(📸: Divulgação/TMS)

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kinda shocking that i haven't drawn the other megalobox characters yet 😲

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