Hello I'm aucaailin a hobbyst furry ilustrador and comic artist, I usually draw Melancholic art.
I'm glad to meet you all

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Hello fam!
I’m Victoria PinkBrain, red-haired melancholic artist. I draw dark art. These Red-Haired Girls are a part of me. I draw all the artwork by hand and use my own photos as references

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【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Utane Uta.
A cool and melancholic character, though she enjoys bullying Momone Momo. Also known as Defoko due to her status as the default vocal in the UTAU program.

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【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Utane Uta.
A cool and melancholic character, though she enjoys bullying Momone Momo. Also known as Defoko due to her status as the default vocal in the UTAU program.

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Late gm friends 🔥🔥🔥

Today I’m feeling so melancholic, but I need to work!🌷

“Crystal” on FND

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El 20 de diciembre la editorial Seven Seas () 🇺🇸 pondrá a la venta el tercer y último tomo de la serie "Hello, Melancholic!", escrito e ilustrado por Yayoi Ohsawa. 🌷🏳️‍🌈

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/showsleft /showsright
illya and her mimikyu are the next ash and pikachu iconic duo of poke-verse. both lonely, melancholic creatures who are actually super affectionate and sweet and also powerful despite their small size
art by @/bunccino and @/kaidrawsss https://t.co/wR65gpOhfS

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I greed you again, Visitor.

I love to draw Animals and fantasy creatures(Animals), often with a dark and melancholic touch.

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High Hopes is a very melancholic song, Somsnosa's theme suggested a similar feeling to me (then again, I'd be upset too if I lost my house to ambulant skulls). Anyway, 3 of 7 let's gooo

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Characters from naruto feel so sad and melancholic to me so I wish I could draw them more often 🙃

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I am feeling way more melancholic now

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sry for romanticizing melancholic solitude i’m kinda having an episode rn xx

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I want to make lofi style drawings, the kind that make you feel the loneliness of the characters, walking at night while it's raining, and a bunch of lights on the horizon that gives that tiny bit of hope that it's not as lonely as it seems. I love the melancholic air of that art

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Do you like how they portrayed Cologne in her youth? Or that they even showed it? Me, meh... not much of a fan. Not too sure why. Maybe it's because they made her look weak and melancholic most of the time. I'm not a big fan of her design either. With the lipstick and stuff...

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A Kanegon's art and the 1st of my top 3 favorite episodes from UltraQ. I like that particular scene with the sunset and the main character's melancholic resolve!!

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