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Haven Cat Trooper Girl, kinda old practice and test of my new brushes, enjoy

7 13

I have favorites and I have MGS4 do not @ me KJHFSKLDFSJHK

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Who remembers fighting against Haven Troopers in MGS4?

This sketch by Deathlouis captures one in incredible detail. Give it some love, and check it out on at the link below.


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Been on an MGS kick rewatching trailers for the older games. I remember seeing Meryl in the MGS4 E3-06 trailer and being hyped that she was back. I was confused when she looked different in the final game. Buff Meryl is cool but why did they change this more MGS1 looking design?

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when you're so anime you BECOME anime: Otacon in MGS1, MGS2, and MGS4

2 17


— "Soy una sombra, si me sigues nunca verás la luz del día."
• Solid Snake, Meryl & Raiden - Metal Gear Solid 4 • 🚬❗📦

Pasaos por el post y dadle amor!💗

35 51

The utilitarian tactical fetishwear of MGS4 remains one of my deepest inspirations. Perfect in every way.

39 181


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El inolvidable regreso a Shadow Moses, tomar los mandos de Metal Gear REX, reencontrarnos con EVA... Tal día como hoy, hace 12 años, salía a la venta “War has changed”

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draw summer after playing mgs4 all day. the results may shock you. |

12 72

網膜投影型の が世界的に普及したら、メガネタイプよりもスネークおじいちゃんみたいな眼帯型を付けてみたい。

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still making my way through mgs4 but I couldn’t resist attempting to draw TTP ocelot ok......

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As we marvel at how quickly Death Stranding became real, don't forget that we also wake up to the Metal Gear Solid 4 timeline every day.

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So, much like the good Mr. Clemps, I have a few I'll typically list (MGS4, Mother 3, Ace Attorney: T&T, and FF9, not even going into the "underappreciateds"), so I'll try to do some different ones with this. https://t.co/STNg1ebIgy

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