Another SPN drawing lol, what are the odds? 🤷🏼‍♀️😅#sizetwitter

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A beautiful commission I got from . Boba-tan, Thomas, microphilia, and the famous chimney pre-cum.

10 24

Archie's ride - He may have been shrunk, but he is still in charge!

Support me on patreon!

20 161

Commission for . He's going on an Indiana Jones-like adventure through a dangerous jungle! Too bad he's destroying 's terrarium in the process. (hi, people searching for the terrarium hashtag)

21 128

Micro Guzma (2) - At his finger's mercy
There is just not much he can do against it, just let those fingers give him pleasure

Support me on Patreon!

14 94

YCH: Hmm...

Another YCH!

-Any Species
-Any Gender
-Flat: $40
-Shaded: $60

Finished Example included.

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YCH: Ruffle Snag

Drew this bad boi on Twitch. Actually proud of how it came out.

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YCH: Paw Squish

This sold so fast. I am proud to say I will be doing more YCH like this.

1 4

Ryuji's payback - Kamoshida better hold tight to these pink boxers, at that size that's a long fall!

Like my work? Support me on Patreon!

26 147

Kukui's giant ass - Do you think he will be able to get Kukui's attention or he is gonna be engulfed by his colossal ass?

Like my work? Support me on Patreon!

27 115

I've never tried to draw a Steven Universe character before, I haven't seen the series but I'm quite attracted to his drawing style and color palette.

Here's the request for !

28 148

Yes I decided to turn this micro guzma into a series! The second part is available now at my patreon, lineart and colored versions as always, so join to see it right now!

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This month's poll features Archie, Milo and Drayden from pokemon! Make sure to join my patreon and vote for your favorite before june 10th!

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