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One of my OC's, Vanilla Latte. As you can see, her cutie mark is three coffee beans.

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Sweet mother of Luna. Scary Timber wolf! D:

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Thirty-minute challenge: Philomena! The graceful and mischievous Phoenix.

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If you were a male character in MLP, OC or not, and you could choose ONE for prom, who'd you pick and why? :3

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Phase one of Daring Do CityScape. Phase 2= actually adding Daring Do. Right now I have the abandoned city.

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*smile* I love Apple Bloom is my favorite character of MLP :D

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An MLP ish bust for SpaceRox on Furaffinity.

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I have a bunch of cool MLP fanart/pictures in my iPod, and I can't share them.... ;~; Nuuuu.... D:

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Picture of the Week is...... Cadence In Armor

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((I finished the drawing of my OC pony ^^))

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Retweet If you love Derpy <3

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Have a Happy everypony! Have a DJ Fluttershy pic.

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