画質 高画質

I am an illustrator who draws original gods and monsters

45 278

The relationship between the Hunters and the Church is never stable, but because the monsters killed Seele's parents, Seele decided to join the guild to fend off them and left Bronya's side.

3 119

In the story of the nun and the monster, Seele works with the hunters in the guild, and her team specializes in hunting monsters.

31 335


Great Pretender: Razbliuto (Fev 23)
Monsters: Ippyaku Sanjou Hiryuu Jigoku (???)
Ensemble Stars!! Tsuioku Selection Checkmate (Mar)
Hanhua Riji 4th Season (Mar 10)

0 3

"I like to call the creatures of Grimm something else. Some call them monsters, I call them prey!"

OC Character Illustration commissioned by . Thank you!

12 68

「Maniani's SHADOW MONSTER」シリーズガチャ、第2弾に引き続き第3弾の発売も決定となりました!!✨

『Maniani's SHADOW MONSTER 3』
発売元 : エイチエムエー 様
価格 : 1回 400円


743 4196

Her job is to juggle between vanquishing ancient evil and teach Sunday school, while trying not to get ovipositioned by monsters. Or smthin' 🤔

0 17

I think I have developing to like drawing monsters in pain now

WIP chap 9

0 15

artists, let me see your improvement over five years

I lost my sketchbook around 2020 which had a lot of drawings (most of them were monsters and horror characters, kinda made me sad but I guess managed to salvage this one https://t.co/9buiHbj5E1

9 117

Knight who is going to slay monsters

2 57