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My mothman, Rindris, and some doodles of him 😎

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Anyone want a fidough-nut? 🍩💕 (IG )

(Posted by Cousin_Mothman: https://t.co/6N8l9NuG0g)

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I feel like I've been venting my personal problems on social media a lot lately and I'm not sure that's healthy, so here's a couple Mothman doodles I've done for positivity

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I’ve been thinking a lot about doing a superhero-themed survival horror webcomic about a Batman-analog superhero and his sidekick trapped in a virus-seized version of the Batcave. Here’s a crazed robotic Mothman and the intrepid Nite Mite.

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In April of 1986, workers at the Ukrainian Chernobyl Power Plant reported seeing a strange creature flying over the facility. Days later, the plant would melt down. Some saw this as a warning, for the bird resembled the notorious Mothman of Point Pleasant, Virginia.

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Go back to sleep, sexy Mothman is coming to cuddle you 🖤

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Ekho the Mothman tries to woo Variel the lightbulb seraphim… it may be working!

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Concept to block out to final render of my fake Mothman pokemon

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I call him- Smoliver! 💕

(Posted by Cousin_Mothman: https://t.co/iXkruPYgFN)

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Available on my Teepublic!

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The Mothman has arrived. Prints on my site.

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Después de casi 3 meses de trabajo intenso, por fin se relajó un poco la cosa y puedo retomar todas las ilustraciones y esculturas que deje a medias desde diciembre 😅

Aquí un pin-up the Mothman que empece a entintar en navidad y lo abandonde hasta ayer.

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POV: You wake up and see Mothman Neon J. from TCoVC (The Creatures of Vinyl City) in your room.

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