this is my fan art redone, The original drawing was done about 6 or 7 years ago .. I hope that over time I have improved at least a little ..see on istangram old draw

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I am honored to announce a new collaboration with the legendary ruby ​​kaiba. i love this girl. I love her style so colorful and energetic. a medicine for a good mood. .thank you my dear for your cooperation

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これは私のフルーツバスケットのファンアートです。 このフルバのリメイクが大好きです。とても嬉しいです! 大好きです!

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after some time I started drawing again. It came a little like this and so, it doesn't matter ...

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here is a new collaboration with . I love this girl. I feel truly honored to work with such sweet and amazing people. Thanks again for your dear cooperation. Mimi and color - rubykaiba, Yamato and background - me

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