I have a big drop of new coming next week, but for now I'm mining the archive again for Here's Mystriosuchus steinbergeri, from 2018. This is probably one of my better paintings - I often don't like looking at older work, but I think this holds up.

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Today’s is Mystriosuchus Fraas 1896. These including M. westphali & M. planirostris, have a looooong slender snout & short squamosals. A 3rd one, M. steinbergeri, was added in 2019. It's from Austria & was marine!

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Another day gone by, another day without a new painting. Sigh. Here's some of the phytosaur Mystriosuchus steinbergeri to keep things ticking over.

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If you'd like a copy of my recent Mystriosuchus steinbergeri you can grab a high-res version at my feed. Subscribe for just $1 a month for huge amounts of palaeontological goodness - art, essays, and details of upcoming projects. https://t.co/0Lk1a7joHY

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Une nouvelle espèce de un reptile marin (et non pas un crocodile !) de 210 Ma, décrite ! Alors que les 1ers découverts vivaient en eau douce, cette espèce évoluait en milieu marin.

Source : https://t.co/4qThlMXENF via

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Turanoceratops, Facivermus and Mystriosuchus

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New paper THREAD! We describe a Mystriosuchus steinbergeri, a new species of marine phytosaur from 210 million-year-old rocks of the Late Triassic in Austria! Our paper includes this amazing life restoration by the brilliant ! (1/n)


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