View from our table at the Lookout Café at the Hauxley Wildlife Discovery Centre at the northern end of Druridge Bay.

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We took a break at the RSPB Saltholme wetlands reserve on our way to, and back from, Northumberland last week. The panoramic windows of the first floor cafe look out over one of the lagoons.

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Leadwort Plumbago, drawn much larger than it is. The rain has been kind, though the heat-slain leaves of summer still cover the ground.

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At Newmillerdam this morning, a holly blue butterfly rests on hemlock while hoverflies visit the flowers of creeping buttercup, occasionally chasing each other around.

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Attracted to the moth trap in our back garden, do those tufts make it a prominent?

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Nettle drawn at Newmillerdam yesterday. The rolled leaf reminded me of the Naturalists’ Handbook, 'Insects on Nettles'. I ought to take a closer look . . .

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A hoof fungus acts as a canopy over this nuthatch nest hole in a willow at Wintersett Reservoir.
Angler's Country Park

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