Qui peut le plus peut le moins, mais parfois le plus simple semble ne pas convenir :). J'aime les deux versions et vous, laquelle vous préférez ?
Fanart Errol

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Here’s my drawing of Chloe Frazer in a tracksuit! It’s little messy tho 😆

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Os estúdios Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog e Santa Monica Studio criaram artes para parabenizar a Guerrilla Games com o lançamento de Horizon Forbidden West

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really wanted to participate in but I have so little time atm it makes me sad.

At least I managed to make a sad ottsel Veger who's forced to celebrate lmao

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This was my drawing process for my contribution to

I replayed the first game all of yesterday and it holds up wonderfully.

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a self-portrait I did about a year ago! This was part of a self-insert exploration! Still one of my favorite pieces I’ve ever done!

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Finally finished th is one!

Jak on snowy mountain collecting a Powercell, I also drew bunny lurkers man this one took soo long lol

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Here’s a young version of onin I drew from jak 2 requested by someone in a jnd group on fb this was a fun draw and I also did this just in time for

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