I ️Love a NejiLee 💕

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we got the okay to post pics from last summer! thanks everyone who got a copy, hope u liked my nejilees ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

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Rock Lee ロック・リー and TenTen テンテン visit Neji's 日向ネジ bedroom after the funeral.
It doesn't take long before they break... but they have each other.

LeeTen リーテン / NejiLeeTen ネジリーテン art --- ナルト

Posted with permission of the artist: https://t.co/rBCGUeadc9

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like rly got my nejileeten engines revving..

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Also my NejiLee spread. This one was probably my favourite spread because I spent a lot of time rewatching fights for stance references

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neji abolishes the house system and becomes an accomplished jounin, while rock lee opens all the gates and surpasses gai... and also buys neji flowers

yes ive been conned into drawing naruto fanart in 2020, no, i cannot change this wip

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finally cleaned up one of my doodles 💖

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gcさん..!nejilee天才であるgcさんにメンションを受けてとても嬉しいですㅜㅜ😭😭ほめ言葉本当にありがとうございます。ㅜㅜleeの笑顔は世界一~~私もgcさんの3組のファンアートが大好きです。ㅜㅜ 日本語ができなくて翻訳機で書いています.ㅜㅜ

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a redraw i did when i was feeling down. finished coloring today, and noticed that i never colored neji with dark skin, so i did.

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idk what this is, take it
im afraid of losing wifi for weeks so im kiiinda impulse-posting. xD

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i would say something but im ignored so it would b pointless
*Throws art and you and goes to do more art*

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hmmm.... sakura!nejilee 🙈

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dulce gabbana fall 2019 X nejilee

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while wolvden is out have wolf nejilee(aka lead + companion in my pack) which i intended to post in the forum but need pc for that

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" we fell in love in october, that's why i love fall "
" looking at the stars, admiring from afar "


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i'm making a naruto themed wolf pack in because yes, and i'm making some art and lore for them... these are Tenten and lead couple aka Nejilee bc rarepair supremacy

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