Running a bit behind on but I should have it posted in about an hour...

5 85

Lisa was *January's* "Girl of the Month" and she still ain't stoppin'! (she has two more pics to go, too!)

63 367

A colored preview! Will post the full image in a few hours!

3 61

Progression Series! This was a commission and so there was a sketch!

1 15

I feel like Rahne is best suited for a Savage Land environment...

6 60

I've never drawn Rahne in full werewolf form, but I have drawn her a few times in her "halfway" form. Not enough to settle on a look for it yet, though.

22 294

Progression Series! Still having fun with my "Greyscale Shading" technique. I was always worried it wouldn't blend in well with the cell-shading but it's been proving me wrong. Which is good!

2 29

Progression Series! I was sort of at a loss about what to do with the background, so I went with my usual "geometric shapes/brick wall" thing. I really need to learn a new trick... (or find time to draw something better)

8 48

Progression Series! This was a commission...normally I don't do comics as commissions, but occasionally I'll make exceptions for funny stuff like this 😆

1 28

It's the return of a former "Girl of the Month" today!

2 64

Stupid malfunctioning wardrobes. Why does this keep happening? (Rahne seems mostly okay with it though).

7 112

Progression Series! This was a commission so there was a sketch! I wasn't asked to paint the trees but I wanted to anyway (it was kind of hard...)

1 32

I'm sure she simply bought that jacket off eBay, right?

68 497