Just sharing my art "Mind-altering melodies" Wip for some animation.
I will drop soon as nft 🔥

1 13

New work in progress... another 'Bobblehead animation'. It's not finished yet, but will be soon. The GIF file isn't great quality, but it will be made into a high res video.

4 13

Adding life to a small intro series of to drop soon. Your feedback greatly appreciated!

1 6

I'm receiving great feedback on my "GIFs of Thrones" teaser so thank you all 🖤
I'll soon announce my 1st GIF drop time.
Meanwhile see some links about the project and my creative process below

0 21

Second piece called DUBIUM from the psychological series coming soon to Foundation. Keep your eyes peeled for the new drop.

5 10

A partial preview. Process, hand drawn/inked and colored digital. This will be my very first mint/drop ever! Planning to drop on

Coming soon, stay tuned!

16 54

It's Friday it's time to mint!

Listed the animated version of Insight as 3/3 ed on my account my friends, check it out here:


3 8

These five important generals must lead the army of gods to fight against the beasts. to protect the world to be saved from disaster

0 1

Available on
■ Description:
You don't choose What to see, it chooses you!
[ RAM ]
● Price : 0.31 ETH
4 Seconds Loop
Link: ⬇️

29 77