fuck it Nimona Gay Dads AU thread

10154 72064

GREMLIN (such a good movie💖)

1842 11777


3131 19469

cutest movie ever bro

3577 16990


3847 21944

not arguing with a man with big brown eyes, whatever you say beautiful

3788 26855

go watch 1/2

5531 51403

you're my king and I'm your lionheart

9570 57330


Ok ok, I have not much to say about, but I will just say, I LOVE IT ✨ Seriously, it is just great.

I will watch it again for screenshots and videos, and for having a better perspective.

But I love it, give it a watch, if you still have netflix.

14 150

137. Nimona (2023, Annapurita, Blue Sky) - 3.75 / 5 (75%)

I enjoyed this! It has a really nice message and great animation, and they absolutely didn't hold back on the queer representation that was advertised. Beginning just has some pacing issues but otherwise, worth a watch!

0 15

So apparently Disney dropped producing Nimona bc of gay characters/ undertones which only makes me wanna watch it even more. How long are they gonna keep living in their antiquated ways???

16 138

Nimona cloud designs

1248 9422

Nimona flies onto Netflix in 12 hours!!!

1202 8701


143 547

I found these old Nimona sketches from 2011 that I never finished…so I finished them

2516 15112

『シーラとプリンセス戦士』のNDスティーヴンソン原作、『スパイ in デンジャー』のトロイ・クアンとニック・ブルーノ監督によるNetflixのアニメ映画『Nimona(ニモーナ)』の日本版本予告編が発表☞https://t.co/9p2GGHy840

45 169

Less than 24 hours until the Nimona trailer debuts

146 1006