【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと9日💜
バルバトス:バルバトスです。#ObeyMeNightbringer のご予約はもうおすみですか?坊ちゃまがあなたにお会いするのを楽しみにしていらっしゃいます。どうか坊ちゃまを悲しませるようなことがなきよう、お願いいたします。

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💜 9 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Barbatos: Greetings, Barbatos here. I hope everyone has already pre-registered for as the Young Master is looking forward to meeting you all. Please take care not to be rude or sour the Young Master's mood.

693 4943

This is how I imagine Lucifer being like in Nightbringer. Evil and hot... I'm also very excited for Nightbringer

115 463

【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと10日💜
ルーク:ルークだ。#ObeyMeNightbringer の予約はもう終わったか?

297 1422

A physical form sketch for Karasu thanks to ’s thread that made me think smthn ( so sorry for the tag ;; ) 🫵💕
[ ]

84 355

悪魔の名前は 。。。🦇 しーっ
The demon's name was . . . 🦇Shh

402 1898

“gonna drink away all my feelings and no, it’s not gonna heal me”

5 19

I finished, between homework and this, my hand hurts TuT, hope y’all like him 🖤✨


20 135

Fan art i made of mammon dying in a gluetrap :)

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1 12

Asmo!!!💕💕 I didn’t expect to finish it this soon 😭 but i’m really happy w how it turned out!!

123 529