Can I ask you to consider ... My villain Omi 🥺 ?

85 438

i've been enjoying watching along omi as he progresses in his subathon!!! it's been lots of fun *^^*

7 37

Some recently finished arts... some lock screens for Ace, a revised & finished sheet for Omi, and a badge for Dekryl! Thanks friends <3

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Original: omi3_koreY

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Bar singer omi who writes his own songs but doesn’t look up when performing cause he knows he’ll blush like hell the minute he makes eye contact with his muse, atsumu, the bar manager

4 52

- Omi's bro, Alfonse, work as a host
- he's the oldest & strongest sibling, but he doesnt want to use his power unless to protect his family
- self-claim as family man
- his sibling doesnt like him cus he tease them too much
- secretly rich but only wears tank top in daily basis

1 25

- my boy Romeo (Omi) is a white-haired vampire with blue eyes.
- he's short-tempered & very powerful but he's actually kind, & melancholic. he loves reading romance novels and shoujo manga, & really shy around women.
- he wants to go to college
- his fav blood type is O

6 118

【흡혈귀의 집착애ⓒNatsuki/Sakura Omi/Printemps Publishing】

"우린.. 반드시 다시 만나게 될 거예요"

흡혈귀 하루치카는
사랑하는 이의 환생을 믿으며 고독을 견딘다

그리고 100년의 시간을 뛰어 그녀가 다시 나타났다

2월 1일 신작 보러가기💕

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AW, tysm for the kind words Omi! Made my day. 💕✨

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i think komori and omi would be those cousins that had beef for no reason as kids

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Omi - Fortnite Concept 💗

13 41

Day 1: College | Firsts |“I trust you more than anyone else.”

But it’s just omi’s first time trying the Starbucks pink drink and the little clumps of white something keep throwing him off.

35 187

I needed to get this out of my system. Autism creature omi

7 39

Komori being jelly over Omi’s raincoat ♥️🥝 (bonus panel in the comments!)

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