Here's an Hanai drawing I did a long long time ago for Lots of unfinished fanart piles...

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idk anything about oofuri but goddamn this boy is 2cute

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v quick thing because suyasakas... i had this song on repeat ;;

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Oofuri fanart requested by another anon on tumblr! TajiMiha cutie-patooties <3
I'm off to bed, night night!

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baby mihashi done, all the dokis for oofuri

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old-ish (naughty) doodle - all oofuri I draw really is just tajima? OH WELL

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my beautiful babies. want to draw all of them

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these cinnamon rolls need more love~~

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finally stopped procrastinating and finished them

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have some oofuri secret santa

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oh hey look my oofuri secret santa submission for who will probably also see it on tumblr lol

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i made a very smol abemihashi doodle for bc she never got her oofurixmas gift… abe is a Friend to Birds

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비지님(oofuri_BZ)의 몇시간전 실제경험담 넘웃겨섴(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ사실 최애컾은 쿠로츠키인데 쿠로오 그리기 넘나 어려워서 소비만 함

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my oofuri volleyball au got out of control..

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finished the oofuri bookmark, more or less!!!!

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